The electromagnetic separator captures iron particles
and para-magnetic particles in the liquid or sludge and
separates them from the liquid.
It has been tested in ceramic plants and found to
perform better than other electromagnetic separators.
It has been observed that it is 30 percent more efficient
than other wet separation processes on minerals such
as feldspathic and quartz.
Efficient results in de-ironization of mud and glaze lines
in ceramic plants
Adjustable between 2000 and 20000 gauss.
It can be automatically timed fed.
Easy to install or transport.
It should be cleaned at certain time intervals.
The system can be operated continuously by installing
two machines together. Thus, the separation process is
not paused during cleaning.
Thanks to pneumatically controlled automatic valves,
the system can be timed and controlled without the
need for manpower.
It has a PLC panel.