Eddy Current Separator is a machine used to separate non-ferrous
metals from non-metallic materials.
The non-ferrous metal separator facilitates the recovery of clean,
marketable non-ferrous metal mixtures containing aluminum, copper,
zinc or brass following various processing stages such as crushing,
crushing, classification and magnetic separation. Therefore, the nonferrous metal separator can be used anywhere non-ferrous metals can
be recovered or separated.
Industrial application of eddy current separator:
Separation of non-ferrous metals from domestic and industrial solid
Ferrus separation from PET
Recycling glass cullet
Wood waste processing
Metal recovery in car and home recycling
Non-ferrous chip separation
Plastic and rubber separation
Separatǫon of three dǫfferent materǫals
Separates dǫamagnetǫc materǫals
Long-lastǫng permanent magnet technology
Precǫse and effǫcǫent product separatǫon
Productǫon at dǫfferent capacǫtǫes
The sǫze of the separator varǫes dependǫng on the capacǫty.
Tape speed can be adjusted from the control panel.
Eddy Current Separator is a system consisting of non-magnetic roller,
conveyor belt and magnetic drum. Separation occurs when a non-ferrous
metal particle (e.g. aluminium, copper or zinc) is transported into the
magnetic region. The non-ferrous metal particle is exposed to a rapidly
changing magnetic field. Depending on the electrical properties of the
non-ferrous metals, this high-frequency effect produces varying repulsive
forces. In this way, non-ferrous metal parts are separated from other
Eccentric Design
Offset Eccentric High Speed Rotor - It is possible to position this rotor
closer to the outer cover resulting in a highly concentrated Eddy Current
High Speed Rotor - Due to the smaller rotor diameter, high rotational
speeds are achieved to increase separation of small particles.
Non Magnetic Zone - With an eccentric design we have minimised the
magnetic forces projecting below the rotor cover so that attracted ferrous
falls away extending both rotor and belt life
Concentric Rotor Design
Full Utilisation of Rotor Surface
Larger active separation zone than eccentric
Greater Magnetic Field Projection
Larger magnet blocks utilised.
Larger top size processed
Capable of processing larger particles due to magnetic field
Greater Feed Capacity
Wider belt widths available